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註冊時間:2002-05-07 16:32
(第 1 篇) 【推薦】羅浮宮博物館推出線上館藏資料庫和新網站


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26 March 2021

The Musée du Louvre launches online collection database and new website

Two new digital tools have just gone live to bring the richness of the Louvre collections to the world’s fingertips: collections.louvre.fr, a platform that for the first time ever brings together all of the museum’s artworks in one place; and a new and improved website, louvre.fr, that is more user-friendly, attractive and immersive.
The collections database: collections.louvre.fr
Designed for both researchers and curious art lovers, the collections.louvre.fr database already contains more than 482,000 entries, including works from the Louvre and the Musée National Eugène-Delacroix, sculptures from the Tuileries and Carrousel gardens, and ‘MNR’ works (Musées Nationaux Récupération, or National Museums Recovery) recovered after WWII and entrusted to the Louvre until they can be returned to their legitimate owners. For the first time ever, the entire Louvre collection is available online, whether works are on display in the museum, on long-term loan in other French institutions, or in storage.
The site offers several ways to delve into the collections: simple or advanced searches, entries by curatorial department, and themed albums. An interactive map helps visitors prepare or extend their visit and allows them to explore the museum room by room. Updated regularly by museum experts, the database will continue to grow and reflect advances in research.

The new louvre.fr website
Designed to reach the widest possible audience, the Louvre’s new website is divided into three main sections: ‘Visit’, ‘Explore’, and ‘What’s on’. Focusing on works in the collections and the sumptuous settings they are displayed in, the site invites visitors to appreciate the former palace as they move from room to room. Available in French, English, Spanish and Chinese, images and video are given place of pride. The site can be visited on tablets and computers, but is intended primarily for use on smartphones, given the widespread use of mobile devices today. The website is designed to stay in synch with the Louvre as the museum develops more digital content.

‘Today, the Louvre is dusting off its treasures, even the least-known’, says Jean-Luc Martinez, President-Director of the Musée du Louvre. ‘For the first time, anyone can access the entire collection of works from a computer or smartphone for free, whether they are on display in the museum, on loan, even long-term, or in storage. The Louvre’s stunning cultural heritage is all now just a click away! I am sure that this digital content is going to further inspire people to come to the Louvre to discover the collections in person’.




為研究人員和好奇的藝術愛好者設計的collections.louvre.fr數據庫已包含482,000多個條目,其中包括盧浮宮和國家博物館的作品,杜樂麗花園和卡魯塞爾花園的雕塑,以及“ MNR”作品(第二次世界大戰後恢復國家博物館(MuséesNationauxRécupération),或託付給盧浮宮(Louvre),直到將其歸還給其合法所有人為止。無論是在博物館中展出作品,在法國其他機構中長期借來的作品,還是在倉庫中,盧浮宮的全部藏品有史以來第一次都可以在線獲得。


盧浮宮博物館總裁讓-盧克·馬丁內斯說:“如今,盧浮宮正在清理其珍寶,即使是鮮為人知的珍寶。” ‘無論是陳列在博物館中,是藉來的,甚至是長期的,還是存儲的,任何人都可以從計算機或智能手機上免費免費訪問全部作品。盧浮宮令人驚嘆的文化遺產現在都只需單擊即可!我相信,這種數字內容將進一步激發人們來盧浮宮親身探索收藏的風采。

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your thought to my thought
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